The libATPStatsParser is a simple program to extract the statistical/systematic output results from ATP lis-file and output it in a nice tabulated format.
The development is taking place at
What I need to run the libATPStatsParser?
You need the Python 2 interpreter installed on your computer. If you use GNU/Linux or Mac OS you should probably already have it installed.
And of course, this program, which can be downloaded here.
If you are development inclined, you can clone the repository (and maybe collaborate :)):
hg clone
How to run it?
On console (or cmd.exe or PowerShell):
python file.lis
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Alternatively you can use the experimental GUI by double-clicking the file .
This is project is being developed by Leonardo M. N. de Mattos and Aniela M. P. Mendes.
If you wanna collaborate we have a list of issues to tackle. However, if you want to improve this program in other ways you are absolutely free!
Help! I need help!
Contact Leonardo ( l(at) or Aniela (anielampm(at)