Esses dias eu fui instalar o MATLAB no Linux (Ubuntu 8.10) e obtive o seguinte erro:
An error status was returned by the program ‘xsetup’,
the X Window System version of ‘install’. The following
messages were written to standard error:/home/leonardo/Azureus Downloads/Laboratoire Matriciel 2009 for Linux/update/install/ 178: /home/leonardo/Azureus Downloads/Laboratoire Matriciel 2009 for Linux/update/bin/glnx86/xsetup: Permission denied
Attempt to fix the problem and try again. If X is not available
or ‘xsetup’ cannot be made to work then try the terminal
version of ‘install’ using the command:install* -t or INSTALL* -t
Para corrigir bastou acertar as permissões do arquivo xsetup.
Dentro do diretório de instalação do MATLAB, execute:
chmod 755 update/bin/glnx86/xsetup
E então, a instalação proseguiu corretamente.